
How Much Does Microcement Cost Per m2? Prices in 2024

If you're planning a renovation project in 2024 and considering using microcement as a versatile and stylish material, you might be wondering about the cost. The price of microcement per square meter can vary based on several factors.

In this article, we'll explore what determines the cost of microcement and provide you with some insights to help you budget for your project.


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Is Microcement Worth the Investment?

Microcement is a rising trend in the world of interior design and renovation. 

It’s known for its ability to transform spaces without the need for extensive construction work. This material has gained popularity due to its aesthetic appeal, durability, and the fact that it can be applied to various surfaces such as walls, floors, and even countertops.

Factors Influencing the Price of Microcement

Besides considering the advantages and features offered by a decorative concrete coating, the pricing plays a significant role in the decision-making process for any project. 

Microcement, in particular, stands out due to its application method directly onto existing surfaces without generating debris, thus lowering costs compared to alternative coatings. Moreover, this approach accelerates the renovation process, allowing the space or room under renovation to remain functional throughout the work, enhancing efficiency and convenience.

Nine key factors come into play when determining the price of microcement per m2:

1. Size of the area

The total area you plan to cover with microcement is a crucial factor in estimating the cost. Typically, larger areas will have a lower cost per square meter because the fixed costs and labor hours required for preparation and application are distributed over a larger space. Furthermore, larger projects can be tackled more productively, with potential for reduced per-item manufacturing and shipping costs, and the ability to work more efficiently across larger areas or multiple rooms.

2. Condition of the Surface

The condition of the surface you intend to cover is essential. If the surface is in poor condition, with cracks, unevenness, or other issues, it will require additional preparation work, such as repairs and leveling. These extra steps can increase the overall cost.

3. Complexity of the project

The complexity of the project plays a role in pricing. Spaces with intricate details, such as niches, window reveals, corners, and textured surfaces, will require more time and effort during application. Detailed work often results in higher costs.

4. Colour selection

The choice of colours can impact the cost as well. Using multiple pigments to create intricate designs or patterns may increase labor time and drying periods between colours. This can extend the project timeline and raise costs.

5. Professionalism of Applicators

Experienced microcement applicators can ensure the success of your project. Their level of expertise, training, and years of experience can affect the cost. Keep in mind that each applicator may have different rates for their services.

6. Quality of Microcement Material

The quality of the microcement material itself influences the price. Higher-quality microcement tends to come at a higher cost. It’s essential to choose materials that offer good performance to avoid future issues like cracks or flaking.

7. Finish and Top Coats

The type of finish and top coats used can also affect the cost. Sealers, which enhance resilience and affect the shine level, add an additional layer of complexity and time to the project.

8. Environmental Considerations and Material Wastage

Considering the environmental impact and material wastage, especially in smaller projects or those requiring unique colours and finishes, is pivotal. Material that is not used is pure waste unless it can be repurposed onto another project, which is not only bad for the environment but also can add to the overall cost.

9. Seasonal and Environmental Factors

Winter and environments with little to no airflow can slow down drying and hardening times for microcement, affecting project timelines. It’s crucial to consider how various environmental and seasonal factors might influence the application process and how to navigate these challenges to ensure timely project completion.

Microcement Bathroom Cost: A Preferred Choice for Modern Bathrooms

Microcement has emerged as a sought-after material for modern bathrooms, and for good reason. Its seamless finish and numerous benefits have positioned it as a top decorative trend in recent years.

Yet, one of the most common questions among homeowners considering microcement for their bathroom projects is about the cost of microcement bathrooms for their renovation.

In this section, we’ll delve deeper into that topic. 

The advantages of Microcement in Bathrooms

Bathrooms demand regular and thorough cleaning, turning maintenance into a tedious task.

Nevertheless, microcement offers several advantages worth considering that make it an ideal choice for modern bathrooms:

  • Seamless finish eliminates grout lines, simplifying cleaning and maintenance.
  • Waterproof and anti-slip properties ensure durability against water exposure and humidity.
  • Versatility allows for application on floors, walls, sinks, bathtubs, and showers, offering endless decorative possibilities.
  • Effortless cleaning with just water and neutral soap, maintaining pristine condition with minimal effort.
  • Aesthetic appeal enhances the overall look and feel of the bathroom, providing a sleek and modern finish.

Understanding Microcement Bathroom Price Per m2 and Cost-Effectiveness

The cost of microcement bathrooms varies depending on several factors. Projects involving showers, bathtubs, or built-in elements typically require more experienced labour and longer execution times, resulting in higher costs compared to simple floor applications.

Furthermore, the condition of the existing surface and the total square meters to be covered influence the final pricing. Quality of materials and individual applicator rates also play a significant role in determining costs.

Taking all these factors into consideration, the price for a microcement bathroom typically falls between £100 to £180 per square meter.

Despite variations in pricing, microcement bathrooms offer significant cost advantages over other materials.

For instance, unlike traditional tile renovations that involve demolition, rubble generation, and extended construction timelines, the microcement application require minimal disruption. With microcement, existing tile joints can be filled, and a primer applied before the microcement is installed directly on top, eliminating the need for extensive construction work.

In comparison, microcement emerges as the superior choice, offering a cost-effective solution that minimizes labour, machinery, and downtime during renovation projects.

Its ability to deliver high-quality results with minimal hassle makes microcement an increasingly popular option for bathroom renovations in 2024 and beyond.

Microcement Flooring Cost: A Stylish and Cost-Effective Solution

In the realm of modern interior design, microcement flooring has emerged as a preferred choice for homeowners and designers alike. With its seamless finish, durability, and versatility, microcement flooring offers both style and functionality. But what factors influence the cost of microcement flooring, and how does it compare to other flooring options in terms of price?

Understanding Microcement Flooring Price Per m2

So, what exactly is the cost of installing a microcement floor?

Well, as you might expect, it boils down to the same fundamental criteria we’ve already discussed in earlier sections.

Primarily, it’s determined by the square footage of the area to be covered. Essentially, the size of the room dictates the overall cost of the microcement floor. Naturally, larger spaces require more materials and labor, which consequently increases the total cost of the project.

Building on the previous point, it’s crucial to emphasize the intricacies of corners. Spaces with numerous corners necessitate meticulous and delicate workmanship, adding to the complexity of the microcement floor installation.

This increased complexity is reflected in the overall price of the project. Additionally, the condition of the surface plays a pivotal role. If previous repairs were not executed correctly, the surface may be prone to cracks and fissures due to movement and instability.

Failing to address these issues upfront can result in additional expenses down the line to rectify any microcement problems.

Despite its luxurious appearance, microcement flooring boasts a relatively quick installation process. With an execution time of around a week, including drying and sealing, microcement flooring offers a speedy solution compared to other alternatives like polished concrete or hardwood flooring.

Compatibility with Underfloor Heating

For those with underfloor heating systems, microcement flooring is a compatible option. By following a startup protocol to avoid sudden temperature changes, microcement flooring can be seamlessly integrated with underfloor heating systems without any additional cost implications.

For more detailed information on microcement flooring with underfloor heating, including how it works and available options, we encourage you to visit our blog. There, we delve deeper into this topic to provide you with comprehensive insights and guidance for your flooring project.

Comparing Microcement Price with Other Materials

When considering the cost of microcement versus alternative materials, it’s essential to highlight the significant savings in both time and money that microcement offers.

Unlike traditional materials that require the removal of existing coatings, microcement eliminates the need for clearing rubble and carrying out extensive works. Its quick application and excellent adhesion make it a cost-effective choice, especially when compared to materials that demand additional labor and permits.

Microcement’s lower price point becomes evident when compared to other decorative coatings that necessitate the removal of existing surfaces.

Materials such as wood, certain types of tiles, parquet, polished cement, marble, and ceramics often require labor-intensive preparation and the acquisition of permits. In contrast, microcement can be applied directly, reducing both the cost and time associated with installation.

How Much Does Microcement Cost? Microcement Price in 2024

While each microcement project is unique, and exact pricing will depend on your specific circumstances, you can expect an approximate price range.

Generally, the cost per square meter for microcement application falls between £100 to £180.


Microcement is a versatile and cost-effective option for transforming your home or commercial space. When planning your microcement project, consider the factors mentioned above to estimate the overall cost accurately. Whether you’re renovating your bathroom, kitchen, living room, or any other area, microcement offers a stylish and durable solution.

If you’re interested in exploring the possibilities of microcement for your project, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a consultation or a quote. We can help you create a beautiful and functional space that suits your style and budget.

Contact us for more information and to discuss your specific microcement project requirements.